Today I’ll give you a special recipe: a delicious and totally cruelty free tiramisu, even better than the original version!
- 1/2 liter of barley coffee
- 1 pack of biscuits (preferably the “oro saiwa” type which soaks well in liquid)
- 200 ml of vegetable whipping cream (cold from the fridge)
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar (better if whole)
- Bitter cocoa powder
1. Prepare the barley coffee: boil the water and pour in about 6 tablespoons of barley coffee, remember that if you let it boil for a few minutes you will have to add more water because it will evaporate.
Once ready let it cool.
2. In the meantime, prepare a baking dish, biscuits, bitter cocoa, a strainer and a comfortable bowl to soak the biscuits in barley coffee.
3. Whip the cream, which you will have put in the fridge a few hours before.
4. Start with a light layer of cream at the base of the baking dish, then arrange the first layer of biscuits which you can soak before placing them in the baking dish or, if it is more convenient, you can place them and then pour the coffee over them with a spoon. Continue with a layer of cream on top of the biscuits and a sprinkling of cocoa.
Cover with more biscuits, cream and cocoa for two or three more layers, finishing with a thicker layer of cream and a more covering sprinkling of cocoa.

5. Cover the baking dish and place in the fridge for at least two hours, keeping in mind that the longer it rests, the better it will be.
If you want to try this recipe, don’t forget to let me know in the comments what you think and if you liked it!